How to avoid scams when gambling

How to Know You’re Not Signing up for a Scam

The popularity of online gambling has unfortunately attracted a large number of malicious actors looking to exploit inexperienced people and take their money.
There’s a huge number of places where one can gamble on the Internet, and sadly, a significant number of new casinos have something shady about their business practices that’s often hard to ignore.
If you don’t want to fall for these traps, there are a few points to keep in mind when looking for the next casino to play at.  

Check Online Communities

People on the Internet love to discuss known (and potential) scams, and if there’s something shady about a certain website, there will likely be more than one discussion thread about it out there.
There are even some communities dedicated to hunting down scamming websites and exposing them, so it might make sense to stay subscribed to one or two of those if you frequently explore new casinos and don’t want to land on a trap eventually.
It doesn’t take too much effort to check in on them once every few days and see what’s new.

Follow Casino Rating Sites

On a similar note, there are also websites that can give you detailed information about any casino you might be considering. is a good example, and as long as you stick to a reputed site with an established track record, it shouldn’t be hard to tell the scams from the legitimate casinos out there.
Plus, you can contribute by notifying the website if you’ve seen anything unusual yourself, giving back to the community and allowing others to evade that trap in the future if they run across it randomly.  

See Something?
Speak Up!

Which brings us to another important point.
The whole reason these ranking sites work is because a large number of people from the online gambling community are willing to contribute to them on a regular basis.
They wouldn’t be very useful if nobody ever reported anything – so if you run into a scam yourself, don’t be afraid to speak up and let others know.
Give as many details as possible – without any information that could be used to identify you personally, of course – and follow the post’s progress to respond to any queries if necessary.
It might seem like a waste of time, but in the end, people contributing in this manner is exactly what allows scams to be shut down quickly.
Avoiding scams in the world of online gambling is not that hard when you just maintain a few important points in mind and know which sites are worth checking out and which ones you need to stay away from.
There is no shortage of useful resources online that can help you make the right decision at every step, and if you contribute to those communities and do your own research as well, things should keep getting better and better in the future, with an environment that’s safe and enjoyable for everyone, not just tech-savvy users.

Avoid getting scammed, but also avoid getting burned Out!

Gambling online can be extremely fun and rewarding in the long run for those who appreciate these types of games, but it also comes with a downside that few people usually think about.
The huge availability of different online casinos has made it a piece of cake to pick a place, spend some money at it and have a good time.
But it can also lead to a feeling of getting burned out after a while for those who spread themselves too thin and sign up for too many places.  

Keep a Few Favourites

The most obvious thing to do to minimise the clutter in your online gambling is to just pick a few places that serve your needs best and stick to them in the long run.
It’s easy to find a place with a good reputation with the help of sites like, and all it takes is a few clicks to compare all casinos that offer the kinds of features you’re looking for.
From then on, you can just make a list and start going through them one by one, exploring what each has to offer.

Check for New Arrivals Frequently

The market for new online casinos in the UK is extremely busy and new players frequently come and go, which makes it important to keep up with the trends if you don’t want to miss out on any attractive new deals.
Just make sure that you get your information about new arrivals from legitimate news sources, as there is, unfortunately, no shortage of scams in the world of online gambling.
Many sites pop up for a few months, collect money from their players and drop out, never to be seen again.
Avoiding this is often not complicated if you’re willing to put some extra effort into researching the places you’ll be spending your money at.  

Try to Maximise Gains from Bonuses

A good strategy that many players follow is to watch out for casinos running special promotions and offering great bonuses, and focus your efforts on those deals when they come up.
That means that you’ll typically spend less time at the same casino and will have to jump from one place to another more frequently, but if you’re an avid gambler and know how to plan ahead properly, this can be a huge boost to your finances and your ability to stay ahead.
Just keep in mind what we mentioned above about scams and make sure that you’re always on the lookout for any suspicious signs at every casino you’re considering. Burning out only tends to happen to those who are impatient and rush ahead without thinking about how they can best spread their finances around.
It’s not hard to imagine someone running out of funds and feeling frustrated when they approach this without any solid strategy, and if you’re a smart gambler, you’re going to do everything you can to ensure that you’re always one step ahead of the game and don’t fall for any of the common traps out there.